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Tabletop instrument, in powder-coated steel, with precision electronics for the determination of the breaking load (max load) on ceramic or similar specimens. Semi-automatic, it is equipped with a stainless steel surface on which two oscillating supports (knives) are positioned, mechanically moved and manually and individually adjustable, which in turn receive the specimen to be tested. With this tool it is possible to determine the flexural strength, the modulus of rupture, and deflection of curvature of the sample operating according to the standards: UNI EN ISO 10545-4 | ASTM C 648 – 84 | DIN 51030 | EN 100 | EN12825 Load cell of 3000 kg. Different sizes available.  

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Various models with different accuracy and range.

Common features:

– Automatic tare over the entire range.

– Serial RS232 interface as standard.

– Filters for weighing in particular conditions and for dosing

– Selectable measurement units.

– LCD display with backlight.

– Operation with external power supply or internal rechargeable battery both supplied.


Power supply 230V 50/60 Hz

The PEIBOX/B is the perfect booth to view the specimens abraded according to the PEI method, compliant with the ASTM C1027-99 and UNI EN ISO 10545-7 standards.

The instrument is supplied with the intensity of regulation adjusted in accordance with the standard.

Perfect complement to our AP-18PEI100-300 and PEI3 abrasive meters.

PEI abrasion meter, for determining the abrasion resistance of ceramic glazed surfaces

Suitable for carrying out tests according to the P.E.I. (wet). UNI EN ISO 10545-7 standard.

Rotating units with digital electronic pre-selection pulse counter adjustment, with LED display.

Electronics with inverter for precise regulation of the number of revolutions.

Model with 1 test group.

Model with 3 test groups.

For a professional view of the test result, we recommend the combination with the PEIBOX/B cabin.